Health History Form
Our website includes a Confidential on-line Health History FormYour appointment is about you and your wellness.
The goal is to assist you along that journey to good health. At your first appointment, you will be asked to complete a Health History Form which will help create a treatment plan, however, you can get a head-start by completing as much as you can using our on-line form.
Massage therapy is offered in an atmosphere of safety, comfort and confidence. Questions about your treatment are invited and encouraged at any time! Massage therapy usually involves the application of oil or lotion to the skin; there are other times when you may be fully clothed.
A massage therapy table is covered with linens that you drape over yourself. The massage therapist will require that you are draped with a sheet so that the massage therapist will only expose the portion of your body that is to be massaged.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call today.